Getting ready to send out new Bella Figura albums

By the time you read this, stores will already be receiving their new 2012 albums that we have worked so hard on for the past several weeks and months. Within these pages, we have poured so much love & energy to present a DAZZLING selection of new envelope liners, new embellishments, new designs! Can’t wait to show you! To see it in person, go to the Bella Figura website & click on the link that says “Find a dealer“. Enjoy the feast for your senses!
bella figura 2012 albumsbella figura 2012 letterpress albumsbella figura swatches

Lou is building his own igloo

He’s been working steadily printing Smock cards. Soon he will have his own private enclosed digs!
letterpress printers love papersmock everyday letterpress igloo

Jack & the Beanstalk

Actually it’s Joe and bamboo that grows in Pat’s magic Heidelberg windmill. We’re waiting to see if Joe climbs it.

Bill is also becoming a press farmer with a strong daffodil that’s growing like crazy!

Running Windmill

The sleep machine is running, unaware it is being watched. Long out of production, this Heidelberg 10 x 15 windmill letterpress still runs smoothly & precisely with the loving care it has been given over the decades. If you listen closely, you can hear it breathing & purring as ink is pressed to downy white cotton paper.

Flannel Town

Jake and Dave ponder how to acquire more flannel to keep warm during our frigid central NY winter.
fashionable letterpress printers

Say Hello

It’s Lou, Dave, & Bill (from left to right), outstanding letterpress printers working hard to create the finest letterpressed items in the galaxy. Thanks guys!

Lovely letterpress certificates

I was cleaning out my office recently and found my MFA diploma, so of course the first thing I do is run my hands across the surface to see if it (hopefully) is letterpressed, or at least engraved….but no luck! Three years of work, and turns out I received a lot of digital printing with a token engraved university logo (sigh…). That’s why we fell in love with these totally letterpress certificates we recently printed in our commercial letterpress shop – what lavish sophistication! These babies belong on the wall in full spotlight.