Ink Blooming

One of my favorite parts of printing is watching fresh ink bloom on the rollers. Royal blue comes up nicely. Yes, to the printers out there, I did tighten up the rider roller. Laypersons that’s the silver one on top that carries extra ink and didn’t ink up like everything else.

Lou is mixing ink

See the fists of fury fly as he speedily mixes red, yellow & black inks into a smooth, delicious burgundy for a thank you card.
mixing custom ink for letterpress printing

Paper Feeding

See how far the top of the paper stack is away from the holes and springy fingers? That’s a good space for smooth sheet feeding. Keep the stack rising at this constant rate depending on paper thickness, amount of air blast, angle of suckers and where air blast fluffs up the stack and you’re in business as a smooth operator.

letterpress printing paper feeding

Go, windmill press, go

Today we’re printing with the trusty Heidelberg 10×15 letterpress, nicknamed the “Windmill” because of its rotating gripper arms. Upon this super thick plush white stock we’re laying down a soft golden yellow custom ink.

Ink Mixing

Mike is mixing up a batch of custom light purple ink. Each component of the color is weighed out on the scale to get just the right proportions. The blobs are then vigorously blended, pushed and pulled into a nice smooth large blob of ink that is ready to go on the press.

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Shannon is wrapping up the last of an invitation suite for Leah and Todd. Letterpress printed in charcoal ink, the Bella Figura design “Deveril” is a classy look to set their wedding. The couple will be receiving the package very shortly!