Oh we love it when our platemaking customers send us really lovely letterpress samples! These come from Todd Thybert from Angel Bomb Design in Minneapolis–Todd uses our platemaking services and our Boxcar Base for his printing. He also wrote us a sweet letter: “I’ve been using your photopolymer plates for a year and a half and have thoroughly enjoyed the quality and service I get from Boxcar Press.” Angel Bomb Design has been around for 10 years, and started offering letterpress to clients in the last year and half, after receiving some letterpress tutoring from the good people at Minnesota Center for Book Arts. Angel Bomb Design now uses their 8×12 C&P and their 12 x 18 C&P to produce colorful works of beauty (with really nice letterpress solids, we might add!). We’re in love with all the samples, but in particular, we don’t want to let the “Minnesota” fine art print out of our site. Thanks so much for sharing your work with us, Todd!
Angel Bomb Design uses Boxcar’s letterpress plates to make very cool work